Analisis Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Media Pembelajaran Papan Pantun Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 101744 Desa Klambir T.A 2023/2024
Student learning motivation, Pantun board learning media, IndonesianAbstract
The results of observations and research on November 06 2023 are about students' learning motivation in learning Indonesian using pantun board media. The research method used is a descriptive quantitative method and uses nominal questionnaire data which only contains simultaneous results and facts from the truth produced by the researcher. From the results of this research, the student data obtained was 23 (twenty three) students and it was found that 3 (three) of the 23 (twenty three) students in class IV of SD Negeri 101744 Klambir Village had low motivation and interest in learning in particular learning. Indonesian language. The aim of this research is to describe students' learning motivation in learning Indonesian in class IV. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative research. Meanwhile, data collection techniques include observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. This process is carried out by collecting data directly at the research location. Next, the data analysis process was carried out on a nominal scale only. This research uses source triangulation techniques. From the results of data analysis, it is known that students' learning motivation in learning Indonesian in class IV of SD Negeri 101744 Klambir Village is still low, as can be seen from the low interest of students in learning Indonesian both in class and at home, as evidenced also by the results of the assessment of the distributed questionnaire data, which shows that some class IV students got grades that were less than expected, and this was due to several factors, namely 1). Self factor 2). Environmental factors 3). Family factors. The impact of the causes of low student learning motivation internally is due to a lack of motivation in their enthusiasm for learning and externally due to 1). Teacher performance 2). Infrastructure 3). Surrounding environment.
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