Analisis Unsur-Unsur Intrinsik Cerpen “Dodolitdodolitdodolitbret” Karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma
Short story, Intrinsic Elements, Prayer, Spirituality, Seno Gumira Ajidarma, Paradox, Social CritiqueAbstract
One of the literary works "Dodolitdodolitdodolitbret" by Seno Gumira Ajidarma is a story about spirituality, which is told in an ironic way and balances the real and the sign. As a spiritual story experienced by a character named Guru Kiplik. He was very sure that "right prayer is the secret of happiness" But everything changed when he met the nine sons of the island-children. Teacher Kiplik always doesn't accept that their morals are not right, but they can walk on water. The background of this research is the depth of analysis of the intrinsic elements of short stories. Part of the background to the research provided is based on the need for in-depth analysis of the intrinsic elements in the short story so that researchers understand the moral message and social criticism conveyed by the author. The problem in this research is how the intrinsic elements, namely theme, character, plot, setting, point of view, language style and message, work together to produce the meaning of the story. This research uses a structural approach with qualitative descriptive methods. The data used is secondary data obtained through reading and note-taking techniques, then analyzed using the relevant theories. The research results show that this short story has a main theme regarding true belief and opposing principles in carrying out prayer. Kiplik's teaching figures as well as the island's inhabitants reflect the difference between formality and spiritual sincerity. The forward plot, reflective setting, omniscient point of view, and symbolic language style support the delivery of the moral message that sincerity is more important than technical mores. This research recommends further exploration of Seno Gumira Ajidarma's works in the context of social criticism and spirituality, and the use of these short stories as teaching material for understanding humanist values in literature.
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